Quantity Surveying Software - Snape Vector
Snape Vector is surveying software program for professional quantity surveyors and building estimating professionals to create detailed Estimates from Specifications and Drawings in any order and presentation ranging from builders Quants, SMM7, Element, Phase, Trade Package etc. The software also contains a CAD measurement module that will be helpful for land survey.
- Perform quantity takeoff for Direct Entry Measuring, CAD Measure, Digitizer.
- Create comprehensive building estimates with full resource analysis.
- With the help of windows explorer style library navigator copy items from Vector's Detailed Cost Libraries. Vector is supplied with quality major works and a minor works
- variations and repairs libraries with several items containing full Labour, Material, Plant and Subcontract detail.
- Instantly make your estimate by copying parts of previous estimates. Vector smart copy robitically copies selected items alongwith the cost makeup calculations and resources to the new estimate. If any changes occurr in destination project for resource price, items copied from other projects will be automatically updated and adjusted.
- Evaluate quantities with Vector's extraordinarily efficient measuring system.
- Get the full build-up of any item by clicking on the show detail button.
- Add or amend items directly in the project, any item can be a Simple item, Measured Rate, or Composite Item. You can not only adjust the item's build-up but also change it's type from Measured Rate to a Composite Item, or from a Measured Rate to a Simple Item or any other changes you may require.
- Get simple entrance to the project Labour, Material, Plant, Subcontract Labour, and Subcontract Purchase resources for appraisal and adjustment.
- Export resources to Excel for plant, material and subcontract enquiries.
- Print out your estimate as per your choice of Bill of Quantities, Detailed Estimate, Summary or Cost Plan.
- Snape Vector Software download page