Construction Cost Estimating


Cool Construction Management online Software: the Simple Build

Construction Management has become an online art which needs to take up to next level and by using some tools construction management can improve more. The Simple Build Tool is a very creative useful online tool which can take the job further and reduce the estimated cost by streamlining the management process. This tool has aimed to give an upgrade to the contractors, builders and remodelers in their work for taking their job faster without any difficulty. It is like another SaaS tool which is available for the professional construction.

Reasons for its usefulness: It is an important tool which can help to develop in the project, from design to build and at last into the warranty process also. This is a platform which has released its upgraded version 2.0 and the developers closely monitor and maintain the platform to keep it always useful and updated. This online tool is available for customers, sub-contractors, supplier and clients for free when the general manager agrees in the terms of annual service. It is a kind of one stop shop that provides all kinds of construction management needs like documents, punch lists, warranties, insurances, appointments and construction schedules.

Benefits: This Saas tools offer a service on based on clouds and has come with latest protection and download speed in any scheduled time. The features are:

? Construction Schedules: This tool has featured like a combined scheduling tool which can promote the allocation with the sub contractors, supplier and customers. This tool also generates alerts through phone or email whenever any change has been made in the schedule. The system also helps to assign tasks for construction team members and also can solve assets problem by combining multiple schedules into a single output.

? Punch lists: This section helps users in assigning some definite action items for the sub contractors and adds corrective notes into that item. Photos are also attaching with the punch lists and customized reports are easily created, the enabled Auto-notification pops up in the time of the action enters.

? Document Management: It has an Amazon server where all kinds of documents can be stored with a security and can be available at any time. This software helps to upload drawings, specs, permits, photos and any other document that has a connection with the construction project. In this system users can upload documents in any file type and keep a back up in the cloud. The files of suppliers, sub-contractors, insurance, various photos and purchase orders can also be kept here.

? Other areas: Besides all of these, it also offers a project dashboard, daily report, bid management process, warranties and lists of contact and all of this will come in just one click.

Price of the software: This software comes with various subscription packages from where the construction manager can choose the right one for the project. The Annual membership plans has a cost for $500 every year and also offer unlimited usage for team members, bid management process, training support and video support for questions. It is absolutely free for the suppliers and sub-contractors in a project.

The Pay against every Build plan is $350 per build and can be bought with every new purchase. This plan also comes with a warranty phase and without any restriction on the duration time. The cost of Remodeler plan is $100 for 10 weeks and also extended it with extra charges.

Cool Construction Management online Software: the Simple Build

Areas need to improve in Simple Build: The Simple Build is accessed through iOS platform or not is still not known. But the SaaS could make an improvement if an app version can be created which will adaptable with other construction tools like Primavera, MS Project, CAD, BIM 360 and many more.

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