Some useful tips to get rid of errors throughout setting out building plan on ground
While going to start building construction, the most important task is to set out building plan on ground perfectly because if the method is improper at this phase, lots of issues may occur later on. So, proper and prior consideration should be given on this before starting construction.
Errors During Setting Out Building Plan on Ground: There may occur various types of errors like gross errors, systematic errors and random errors.
These errors should have been counteracted with the following ways :-
There exist various types of control which should be accomplished to get rid of any errors throughout setting out building plan on ground:
a. Good practice in office, b. On site control, c. Equipment and staff, d. Checks, e. Marking the ground, f. Use of grid offset
Good Practice in Office: The office works should be done with complete precision. The drawing should have been up to the standard and if any modifications take place in the drawing, make sure that whether these impact the work in the jobsite or not.
It is also necessary to examine and look into the quality of information. As for instance, the dimensions should be inspected and established as per structural dimensions to confirm that it is authentic.
It is suggested to start calculation with two self-sufficient individual because the person who examines the initial calculation may pursue procedures and omit probable errors.
For computation purpose and resolving problems, if any construction program is applied, the user must contain sound knowledge about the functionalities of the program. The user has to understand the results sufficiently or else undesirable errors may happen.
On site control of Setting Out Errors: It is essential to verify both primary baseline and bench marks to ensure that they are perfect. Approximate setting out may be initiated for excavation but it is not recommended for concrete work that needs considerable accuracy.
It is recommended to constantly verify concrete benchmark station because they become defective by excavations.
Make sure that proper stations are applied throughout working and it is performed by noticing and observing stations or by taking measurements to the nearby stations.