Construction Cost Estimating


Types of Project Information Generally Found In Construction

The construction companies should focus on implementing superior information management. In a construction project, there is massive and vast majority of complex information. For maintaining the accuracy and successful completion of any project, the information should be managed efficiently. Substandard information can contribute to project postponement, extravagant decisions as well as, complete failure of the desired facility.

If the project manager finds on the projected delivery date that some vital facility components are not still fabricated and can?t be delivered for six months. With proper information management, the issue can be recognized beforehand with the intention that alternative suppliers might have been located or schedules arranged.

Both project design and control are completely based on accurate and well-timed information, as well as the competence to apply this information efficiently. Simultaneously, various types of unorganized information are available to manager that can lead to confusion and paralysis of decision making.

With the advancement of the project, the types and scope of the information employed by the different organizations involved will be modified. Given below, the details of the most vital information sets:

a. Cash flow and procurement accounts for each organization,
b. Intermediate analysis results throughout planning and design,

c. Design documents along with drawings and specifications,
d. Construction schedules and cost estimates,
e. Quality control and assurance records,
f. Chronological files of project correspondence and memorandum,
g. Construction field activity and inspection logs,
h. Legal contracts and regulatory documents.

Some of these sets of information are elaborated as the project advances. The financial accounts of payments over the entire course of the project is an example of overall growth. The passage of time leads to steady expansions in these accounts, whereas the inclusion of a new factor like a contractor causes a sudden surge in the number of accounts.

Some information sets are crucial at one phase of the process but may then be omitted. General illustration ranges from planning or structural analysis databases which are not normally applied throughout construction or operation.

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Types of Project Information Generally Found In Construction